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Help electrician needed to repair the car
Electrical services are increasingly concerned electricity car. As it turns out, more and more modern cars are even drugged technical solutions in the field of electrical and electronics and even a minor fault causes that need to enlist the help of a specialist in this field. Different types of probes and controls in cars are very important indicators that allow the user to monitor the level of a suitable fluid and the overall control of the car. In case of failure may occur up to a serious fault, because electrical services increasingly possible to repair in this area.
American lineman - history
The rural electrification drive during the New Deal led to a wide expansion in the number of jobs in the electric power industry. Many power linemen during that period traveled around the country following jobs as they became available in tower construction, substation construction, and wire stringing. They often lived in temporary camps set up near the project they were working on, or in boarding houses if the work was in a town or city and relocating every few weeks to months. The occupation was lucrative at the time, but the hazards and the extensive travel limited the appeal.
A brief drive to electrify some railroads on the East Coast of the U.S. led to the development of specialization of linemen who installed and maintained catenary overhead lines. Growth in this branch of line work declined after most railroads favored diesel over electric engines for replacement to steam engines.
The occupation evolved during the 1940s and 1950s with expansion of residential electrification. This led to an increase in the number of linemen needed to maintain power distribution circuits and provide emergency repairs. Maintenance linemen mostly stayed in one place, although sometimes linemen were called to travel to assist repairs. Also during the 1950s, some electric lines began to be installed in underground tunnels, expanding the scope of the work.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lineman_%28technician%29
Electrical systems allowing to monitor car parking
Actually, more rarely we encounter a situation where the parking lot waiting for us the person collecting the fee for parking and issuing the appropriate tickets. Commonly used are now automated systems that allow you to dispense with the employment service in the parking lot. Customers themselves, usually using the touch panel choose certain options standstill. After driving into the parking traveled with him it is possible only upon payment of the appropriate fees and scanned the ticket. Parking systems are designed so that the most common problems that may arise during their lifetime the irregularities in the electricity and then the appropriate repair must address electrician.